Some snippets of what I was cooking before I left London. Not gonna lie, these pics are extra old but still share-worthy! I still don't have a jaunty chef hat, but I do have this HEAD CHEF pin that beeb got me to make it really legit. I haven't been writing down all the recipes like I should have (lazy chef) so these photos help me when I want to re-google what I've cooked. Fish + avocado + mango + salsa.
Now that I'm back in Hong Kong my cooking activities are pretty much obsolete, but my amazing man has managed to keep #shaskitchen burning with a few culinary experiments of his own. Where were these mad skillzzz when I was still there HUH?
All your food looks soo yummy! and the dog is cutee
I'm a big fan of your instagram photos!
Everything looks amazing, you should actually open a kitchen. OR HAVE AN OPEN KITCHEN ONE DAY. *tear*
It's been well over a week now nanz and i have tasted none of these.
Rectify this please.
OMG... your dog is SOOO cute!!!!!!!!! with the head chef pin too! aaaaah... adorable! what's his/her name? can you please teach me how to cook like you? I will fly to Hong Kong! this looks so amazing. seriously gourmet status.
Look yummy!
(If only you can cook for me...)
OMGEEEEE what a feast! The lobster looks mmmmmmmouthwatering.
I'm hoping to be back in November, at the moment I have a few projects lined around Autumn :S
Skilllllllz. Love the photos too. They look straight out of a cookbook!
Xoxoo diana
All of the food looks super yummy– cue food yearnings at two in the morning, yup.
MMMMMM!! :DD Cook for me puhleaseee!! All those dishes look so good! ESP the one with the beef (?) stew? YUMYUM.
It's great how you were able to devote time to cooking when you were in London! One of the great things about being away from home X)
Seriously, don't stop! Those food all look so yum! And your dog is soo cute!!
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