I managed to get my eager beaver hands on this pair of Bowie shorts by Maurie & Eve a couple months back but never really had the chance to wear them. I love how baggy they are, so much so that it looks like a billowy skirt from the side. London finally decided to unleash what remaining buckets of summer sunshine it had left, just in time for my last week here before heading back to the motherland. Park dates, The Dark Knight Rises, Dinner by Heston Blumenthal and a trip to The London Eye are some of the things we have lined up for the next few days. YAYERRR!
I (re) started my blog as a means for me to document my eating/wandering/cooking/traveling/lazing adventures here and now that it's ending I'm not too sure what I'll have to blog about. Perhaps a steady slew of Obi posts?
hope you don't stop blogging though!
enjoy your last days in londontown and safe journey back to the motherland~
ps. those shorts look super comf and stylish, and love those shades.
this is too cute. *dies*
you can continue your adventures in HK... right... RIGHT? RIGHTTTT?
Obi and DD posts and TOM Projects! How come your skin is so nice? Share please.
Obi, Lucky, DD, and the gang! It's just getting started!
noooooooooo! please keep blogging! I want to see Hong Kong! I am also seconding the comment about your skin... please share :P
Hiya Natatsha!
I just somehow managed to stumble across your blog yesterday. I can't believe I didn't find out about you before! Rawr. i was missing out on some pretty awesome stuff here.
After spending a looooong time scrolling through pages of your posts (okay well maybe I actually managed to look through all of them), I figured out that you're Denise's sister.
AHHHHH so much cuteness in one family. You're so funny and you have awesome clothes and you eat really really REALLY yummy looking foods.
I'm jealous.
I wish I could meet both you and your sister in real life. That way I could gush about how amazing you guys are and act like my usual spazzy self. But then that might scare you away. But still, at least then I would get to meet you! :)
Sweetie, your short hair is so freaking ADORABLE.
People who look like that with hair like that are the reason I always want to cut my hair...too bad I wouldn't look half as cute as you!
Never stop blogging!
You should continue your blog in Hong Kong (strangely enough, that's my Motherland too hahaha) and everyone could continue to be entertained by your adventures and general awesomepossumness.
So please continue to blog about all the stuff you blog about because it's cool.
And please feel free to share your skin secrets as Unknown above me suggested. Your skin is so gorgeous and perfect!
Okay, I think I'm going to wrap my comment up.
I've done enough rambling.
I hope you don't hate me for posting such a long comment!
Have an awesome day! :)
Your London adventures have been awesome!! :D Looking forward to the HK ones too. <3 Haha and YESSS Dark Knight for me too tmr!
These photographs are incredible! I just came back to London and it was absolutely amazing. There is a new post about the lovely city on my blog and I would love to hear what you think!
xoxo, Meera
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