If you've paid any attention to my few but existent outfit posts, you'll notice a striking resemblance each one bears to the preceding look. I have good reason for that. Moving to London temporarily meant a 25kg allowance for a four season wardrobe. Add that to my sad panda tendency towards buyers remorse, and you get a teeny tiny collection of clothes only just barely meeting the requirements for a "wardrobe". Most girls (myself included) would be all LE NO MY GOD at the thought of alternating between 4 pairs of shoes and 2 bags for more than a week. You know that 15/30 capsule wardrobe project that hit the blogosphere last month? Yeah that's me, everyday for the past 8 months. Maybe one day I'll have a color-coordinated walk-in closet big enough to house a small family, but for now I have myself a carefully curated selection of basics - just as it should be.
me likey!
oh man, your wardrobe is STILL better than mine, even with the limited amount of choices!!!
you're seriously rocking your capsule collection~! =)
I seriously need to learn how to rock a capsule collection when I'm overseas next time. I ended up having to pay a ton for excess baggage =XXXX
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